Prefill inspection title pages from the last inspection

Related products: Templates Inspections

Is it possible to have the answers on an inspection title page default to the responses on the last inspection ?

Example: customer name, site address, date, inspector.

I know I could just have a single inspection with large repeating sections, but the limitations of calculated fields for child nested sections is, well, a bummer for this method. 

Also making them separate inspections, without having to duplicate the header info, better suits our record keeping and report output needs. 

Hi @indoor environment geek thanks so much for sharing your idea! 

While we don’t quite have the pre-fill type functionality you’ve outlined as of yet, this is something we could explore tackling in the future. 

Also would love to hear more about your exploration with the calculations feature as well as any usefulness/limitations you’ve uncovered. 

All the best,


Hi, I’ve read that calculations cannot use a field from a child repeated section.  However, since writing the OP, I’ve learnt more about our requirement and whilst the number of samples is in theory unlimited (and I had planned to have a repeating section), in practice there are a fixed number of 5 samples 95% of the time. So my plan is to have 5 number fields then a freeform text field to capture the rare outliers which can be calculated from manually. Perhaps some logic that if the text field contains a value then don’t calculate the average of the 5 (because it will be invalid). That’s my conceptual design for a workaround.

If inputs from child sections were permitted, it would be helpful to have AVERAGE, MEDIAN, SUM, MAX, MIN  functions - ignoring empty (blank, or alpha e.g. NA) responses.