Show inspection title on inspection editing page

Related products: Inspections

It would be great if the title shown on each inspection page (circled red below) could actually display the title of the inspection itself, not the name of the template:


Hi @CamdenBoss thank you so much for flagging this feedback with us. This will definitely be taken into account if/when we get the opportunity to improve this part of the product in the future. 

Up voting this!


We are now using safety culture to complete various inspections. The only down side is when downloading inspections it does not title the inspection. 


For example 

If I complete an inspection called Fire Drill, when downloading the PDF it saves as

- Date - Site - Conducted On 

Hi there was there any progress on this. I did 50 inspections using one of two templates and now i have a list of 50 which all show the name of the template not the customer and inevitable happened and I sent the wrong Inspection to a customer.  This brought attention from the data protection manager so can we get the customer or subject in the title please! 

It is actually possible to do this.

Templates →  Select Template → Edit Template → Choose Report → Click on the pencil and add whatever you require.


Demonstration as below:


Thanks for this. Appreciate you took the time to respond. 


I agree that editing an inspection should show the inspection name in the top bar so you can see which one you’re on and any vital information you included in the name.  However, since many people forget to update the report naming in their template, it will often be the default (date or date/conducted by).  I would like to see the template name also, along with the inspection report name.