Export inspections from archive

Related products: Inspections

I have been pushing our sites to Archive completed inspections after they are reviewed to clean up the data on the iPads and make sure old inspections are not edited. One site discovered that from the Archive, they cannot multi-select and export from the Archived Inspections listing. The only option in the archive is to click “View Report” then select PDF or Word.  One by one.

My suggestion is to duplicate the button on the blue bar at the bottom of the Inspections (Active) listing that states “PDF” with an arrow providing PDF, Word, Excel, CSV, CSV with Media, and JSON options to also be on the Inspections (Archive) listing. We need the ability to export a spreadsheet of the raw data and to download many PDF reports at once from archived inspections too. 


Thanks @Corey for the suggestion. We will review this work and inform you of our decision regarding whether we intend to proceed with it.

Any movement on this?  Getting data from inspections is critical, but only being able to get this data from “live” inspections that have not been archived seems like an unusual decision.  We are left with the weak capabilities in Analytics, non-tabular data in the Exporter tool which does not offer a similar tabular format, and analyzing in Power BI.  A data dump in Excel with a tabular format is extremely beneficial, but we can’t get all the data currently.

Hi @Corey , We got an Exciting news!

We're happy to inform you that the requested functionality has been added. We appreciate your active participation in the community and your valuable feedback, which has contributed to the continuous enhancement of SC platform.


That’s great, thanks!

I’m curious why there are now two “CSV” options (one labeled as New).  One format seems to have more columns than the other, and the column order/naming is a bit different.

Hi @Corey , Thanks for posting the question. 

We are migrating all user to new CSV export format. We will be retiring the legacy CSV option on 31st March 2024.