Folders for Assets

Related products: Assets

We have just started to utilise the asset function. It's extremely beneficial for our service records, automatically linking to the asset. We would like to role out across the company. 

I would like the ability to put assets into a folder/job. We can then manage all assets across multiple jobs, knowing what asset is on each job. The site team can then access their job file quickly and easily, check machine actions and services etc. 

@Callum Brazil

Thanks for the suggestion. This is certainly something we’ll consider doing at some point. 

In the mean time here are a few suggestions which may or may not help depending on how you are using the system. 

Have you thought about using Sites function for this or are you already using sites for something else? That way a person can apply a Sites filter on the assets list (or even in an inspection) and see a list of those assets. 

It is not the intended use of Sites, but Sites are flexible and can be used for grouping things in the system. 

Another option could be a custom field that references the job #, or the display name?

Let me know your thoughts?



Hallo, a folder structure would be very good. Example: Folder name Packaging and all assets belonging to the packaging are displayed in this folder. Even better if you can create a main folder, there are also subfolders in there. 

Hope this can be implemented by you.