Assets as Inventory

Related products: Assets

Manufacturing company here.


It would be great if an asset could represent as an inventory item being consumed by the Main Product (Site).

Main Assembly (Site) supported by many subassemblies (assets).

Hi @Jayster 


We are going to have to look at this as a business at some point because it’s so complimentary for maintenance and work orders, but the assets architecture is underpinned by the concept of an asset being a discreet thing. For example an address, a serial number, a vin number or some other unique identifier. We will bring hierarchy into an assets when the inspections feature can handle multiple assets (parents / children) and can attribute data to different objects. We plan to start working on this later in the year. 


Keen to understand what your use case is and what other features would be needed to support what you are trying to do. 


If you want to chat, lets book in a time.






I have sent you an email Duncan.


Thank you