My site is not listed here - Add note option

Related products: Inspections

We often get called to a site last minute. This means it may not have been added to our site listed. It would be nice to have a note which can be entered after ‘My site is not listed here’ is chosen. Management can then add the site when reviewing the report.

Hey Matt, I’m the engineering manager for the team that looks after Sites. Thanks for the suggestion and makes perfect sense. This has been discussed previously but never made it further than back of the napkin designs.

As the product’s evolved a bit, I am wondering if this would be better as logic added to the site question to allow for more customised flows for what happens after someone selects that their site is not listed.

For example, maybe an additional question around reasoning or temporary site name could be added to show if My site is not listed is selected. Would that work in this case of yours?

I’d be happy if it was just a note. That way the name can be verified and the correct site name entered. At times staff use abbreviations, which would get messy, and to make sure it is listed as a site, not a region or other by mistake too.

I’d love to a Project subcategory go under Sites though @Keagan

Ah yes, a note would be a good option there.

Can you explain to me what you mean by Project subcategory though? It may be how you’ve named things in the app, but want to make sure I’m understanding what you mean.

This relates to Support triggering logic fields. Please refer to my original post Add ‘projects’ to sites | Community (

I would LOVE “Sites” fields to support logic.  This could be used in Matt’s case to have a question appear to type the site, or in my case to drive follow-up questions.  We have to make 20 versions of templates because of a few questions that are site-specific.  If I could use logic on Site, we could then drive which version of the same questions appears that has different text or response sets.

We have a custom integration that updates the sites as soon as a quote is accepted, or a job entered into our job management system (Simpro).

It operates of a webhook, so happens almost instantly.

But being able to support logic on this type of query would be a win, I would think.