Issue with Assets and external contacts

Related products: Issues

Is it possible to allow assets and external contact assignment same as actions on issues


I’m the product manager for Assets. 

Attaching an Asset to an Issue is on our roadmap and should come out a little later in the year. Also being able to create an action from an Issue is also soon coming out. This will make the distinction between Issues and Actions clearer.

I’m not sure if assigning an Issue to an external user has been a consideration yet. 

I’ll try my best to explain: Issues works the other way around. It is a “capture” function which allows users of the app or external users to report information ie: and observation, some feedback, an incident, a problem etc. That then gets triaged inside the app and then, if required, an Action (a.k.a. an activity or task to do something) can be created and assigned, either to an internal user or an external person.

Keen to heard more about how you’re using Issues for that would make assigning externally useful. I’ll also nudge someone one the Issues team to respond. They might very well be thinking about external assignment, and I’ve not heard about it yet.  @Matt Lewandowski 



Not so worried if I can turn an issue into an action and add assets.  We have external facing entities that report issues that I sometimes want to share with internal and external resolvers


Also wondering if we can create individual QR codes or links for Issue Categories


Hey @jlapointe,

I’m the Engineering Manager for the Issues product.

It sounds like what Duncan mentioned might help you out here. Being able to create actions from the issue that was raised from someone externally. I believe this is being released very soon.

Also, we have been hard at work creating a workflow for “Multiple QR Codes”. We have a release date for the 12th of June, so not far away. With this release, you will be able to create multiple QR codes, with  a name, optionally preset site, and optionally preset category. When the fields are preset, the user will no longer have the ability to select it themselves.

Hopefully that helps with your workflow,
