Glad that all the feedback etc and the SC team have taken this and started to link all the synergies required internal and external to orgs.
Getting there.
I’m looking forward to this being leveraged throughout the platform - dynamic user groups for example would make management of most of my groups automated. It also will help us keep track of who the safety coordinator is.
I found a bug with this feature. If you change the name of a user field, all user’s values for that field are lost….
Really sorry to hear this @Corey and for any setbacks caused. We appreciate you flagging the issue and will get onto it ASAP!
Corey - reaching out via DM to gather some more details, as we are not able to recreate this behaviour on our end.
User Fields and Training / Credentials can be linked. If an User is a Warden or First Aider or Health&Safety Representative or a Food Safety Leader, then the person should belong to relevant group for training
So we can create fields etc
I want to create / add something else that links into this etc.
I want to add role for our users.
I then want to expand this somehow and at the moment struggling to do this.
I am after some logic or similar in the user details so that if a list of Job Roles are available then we can apply the agreed job Role to this once the job role is added.
The reason for this is to have meetings, one on ones and appraisals etc linked into the Roles and Responsibilities of all user profiles.
This when objectives are set they can be measure on the systems on dashboard for each job role and individual with KPIs against them
This links into training, credentials, continual improvement, peer progression, inspections, issues, actions and the whole system.
Is there a way to also build a dashboard relating to User Profiles? This will be good for ongoing training and a plan for succession.
The goal is then to have a competency profile that is continually being updated by the Org and the user?
Hope this can be done...
Query. I think I have missed something but how do we add user assignments to the User Profile?
If we have a template for appraisals then what is the best way to link this to the person, role and responsibilities as per my initial question?
Please see video - hope this is more informative?
USER Profile expansion and autonomous execution
In the Profiles setting when updating and choosing Multiple Choice.
Maybe there should be an option to chose more than one from any built lists.
This would be beneficial when trying to define variable things that apply to a field.
Also feel that either here or in the Contractors Workgroup some thought needs to be applied to a Medical Declaration.
This may not be a list of items but generally a declaration of any medical condition that may affect the person in conducting the contracted works / normal activities.
Example - Blood thinning tablets such as Warfarin.
If working in an area with potential for any lacerations then we need to know this if there is the unfortunate event of such an incident happening.
Forgot to add.
If there was also an icon or symbol etc next to a person with a medical condition as standard then this would be even better.
When looking at or reviewing the persons on site this would be a simple thing for such a condition.
This could also be applied for
- First Aider
- Mental Awareness First Aiders
- Supervisors
- Symbol warning about expiration of training or similar - Orange
- Expired Training in Red
- etc etc
If I have Level 6 Diploma and I get safety culture. Do I still need consultant or I can manage myself?