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Whether you're new to SafetyCulture or a seasoned specialist, let's connect at our respective skill levels to discover ways we can learn and grow together. Check out our poll below, and if you're open to sharing, let us know what your goals are for utilising the platform over the next 12 months?
We have some ideas brewing, and we need your input 💡We're exploring new ways to bring helpful insights and guidance directly to you. To make sure we’re focusing on what’s most valuable, we’d love to know - 👉 Which area of the platform do you have the most unanswered questions about?Whether you’re curious about specific features, looking for best practices, or need troubleshooting tips, share your thoughts! Your input will help us shape future resources and content around the areas that matter most to you.
Where are our Food Safety professionals at? This one’s for you!Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE) is a Premier Sport and Entertainment centre located in North America. MLSE coordinates over 1400 staff members in delivering high quality food experiences, across each of its venues. We are lucky enough to have @Michael Byerley, (Food Safety and Occupational Health & Safety Consultant and Owner of Michael Byerley Consulting Inc.) apart of the Community, who worked closely with MLSE in reviewing their food service operations, while conducting on-site training sessions to improve their processes.Let’s unpack the success of MLSE and learn how you can apply these best practices to your own operations...How MLSE Uses SafetyCulture Inspections: Detailed and easy-to-use inspections ensure consistent quality and safety standards across all venues. Sensors: Customisable temperature alarms reduce unnecessary alerts and ensure immediate action when needed. Centralised Communication:
Hello Community! We're excited to hear about your SafetyCulture success stories. Why share?🚀 Inspire others 🛠️ Problem-solving tips 🎉 Celebrate your winsHow to share:Share your story in the comments below Add visuals if you like Share improvements made, metrics, and lessons learned Engage with fellow membersWhether you're a seasoned user or just starting, your experiences can inspire and help others.Sincerely,Julian
Interested in achieving operational excellence? Here’s the secret! Sodexo, a global leader in food and facilities management, integrated SafetyCulture to enhance operational excellence across 33,000 organisations in 45 countries. Their adoption of SafetyCulture aimed to improve safety, quality, and efficiency in their services.How Sodexo Uses SafetyCultureSodexo leverages SafetyCulture for digitised inspections, temperature monitoring with sensors, asset management, and centralised training. These features help streamline operations, ensure compliance, and maintain high standards across their global footprint.Inspections: Digitised inspections ensure consistency and thoroughness in safety and quality checks.Sensors: Temperature sensors monitor conditions in real-time, preventing issues before they arise.Asset Management: Centralised management of assets ensures optimal functioning and reduces downtime.Training: Centralised training resources keep all staff up-to-date with best practice
Incase you missed it, our Training Matrix feature is available for testing under the Analytics menu within SC Training! If you’re a Training Admin or Manager, this ones for you! In this early release you can view a report of mandatory training and competencies for your workers, streamlining training needs analysis and improving compliance management within your workforce ... Let us know in the comments if you've already integrated this feature into your daily operations and are seeing its impact 🗣
Hi Everyone, My name is Emma and I am the Safety Culture Administrator at Intrepid Travel. The business has recently acquired a hotel and we will be bringing SafetyCulture into the hotel for various different audits. However, to start off with we will be having some work done and contractors on site completing this work. We have already decided you add the contractors as free users, so they can watch some ‘heads up’ safety videos and acknowledge they have viewed them. My questions are, for anyone that works with contractors;Do you ask the contractors to download SC to their own mobile and complete the necessary, or do you have a centralised laptop or tablet where each contractor can sign in, watch and acknowledge a heads up? I am anticipating push back from contractors if we insist on them downloading an app to watch a video before they can start. Where in SC do you store important information like their trading/license number, insurance details etc?Thanks for helping me!Emma
Hi everyone,We’re excited to announce that we’ve been working on some new "fill-in course templates" and would love your Community feedback before we release them. Our course library to date has only included "completed courses," so this is a test to see if these new fill-in course templates will be popular.These are the three templates we're starting with:Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Template Verification of Competency (VOC) Template Toolbox Talk TemplateKey DetailsThese templates come pre-configured with specific settings to help new users quickly set them up:SOP Template: Includes an upfront instructional lesson for authors, explaining how to edit the template and setting suggestions (e.g., mandatory setting for the course to appear in the Training Matrix). It also features a separate ‘knowledge check’ lesson with a 100% minimum score already configured. VOC Template: A practical assessment template with useful fields and pre-filled data for easier setup. Toolbox Talk: Include
SC Community, I wanna hear your feedback on Heads Up!Heads Up is an incredibly useful tool to many of our SafetyCulture customers but I want to understand how we can take it to the next level. What would make your organisations communication even more valuable and engaging? Where are there opportunities to improve Heads Up and what would unlock further potential for you and your organisation?If you’ve got ideas in this space, please comment on this post to start the discussion.
Hi Everyone, I’d be interested in any feedback on how people may be using Assets outside of its original intent. As an example, I want to:identify areas/zone in the warehouse that need to be maintained in accordance with 5SMy thinking is, Assets would be a a great way of monitoring the standard, scheduling audits and tracking the progress. QR codes would be placed in the area so visiting management or anyone else can see what the area should look like and conduct an audit as necessary. Look forward to discussing.
Has anyone found a good way to extract data from multiple inspections of a specific template into a tabular/grid format?I’ve tried the following, all of which are not very functional:SC Data Exporter (new version with GUI) - This extracts the “inspections” in a CSV file and “inspection_items” in a separate CSV file. However, all question labels and response values are in a single column. You cannot use a pivot table on this due to needing each question label as a filter, row or column, and the response values for those separated out by label. SC Analytics - The “Responses” tab allows you to see a list of inspections for a template. If click export - table as CSV, you get a spreadsheet of the inspections but without the responses. If you click “view responses” you can see charts and breakdowns of the answers for each question. However, I cannot see responses for a question based on the responses of another question - only all answers for each question regardless of how they answered th
Hi everyone,SafetyCulture is currently asking our customers which sensors would be useful for monitoring in the manufacturing (incl. food manufacturing) space.So far, we’ve heard you’d like to see energy monitoring, counting items on a conveyor, vibration for preventative maintenance, noise levels for OHS and more!Let us know what would be useful for your organisation. I’m also happy to jump on a call and go into more detail if you’d like; just DM me!Steven(Product Manager for Sensors)
Hello to the community!I am still getting to grips with the system and what it can do… and now looking into listing our assets for our centres.I have yet to buy a printer with poly labels (robust enough they will not come off and last a fair time) to enable me to print out the labels to affix to each of our assets.I have begun listing and as such will require QR Codes printed for each individual asset going forward. So my question is (sorry if there is already an answer to this and i have yet to find it) is:Can you print out all assets listed from a particular site those assets are linked to in one printout or do you have to print out each one individually?If there is a way to do this - how is it done?Kind regards…Dave
Asking the community if anyone has found that the ability to draw logic questions through to the flagged items section an issue.I manage many many reports and would be great to see this example would beHardware (fail)Confirm room numberConfirm serial numberConfirm model number I have a template set up where if an task fails questions are then asked.This is also a arduous task to have to scan through the whole reports that include many spaces/rooms.The current process of releying on notes in the flagged items is not working
Dashboards.When giving view only access to dash boards and then sharing a dashboard.Persons still have the ability to change certain aspects of the custom dashboard. We are looking / wanting to share so they can only view and cannot change the filters.This is a problem because when we tested this the personnel x3 that could access to view started to change the filters etc and this rendered the dashboard insufficient from what we were looking for as view only info. Any advice on how we can amend this to lock off the view would be appreciated?
Is there a way that SC could have access to business related training material that is generic relating to things such as videos or animations that can be looked at and used where possible when building training courses. Or even an additional part of the system which can access an area externally that covers this so that as part of building simple courses and lesson there is a way of adding animation and narration? If this is already available the please advise?
Hi :)I work with a lot of construction clients who i am slowly introducing to SafetyCulture. A lot of them need a solution for converting their vibration register from paper to SafetyCulture. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Hi. I did this course and passed when it first came out but cannot find certification. This was prior to training being a tab and embedded in SC system? Can someone advise where these are retained within my account given it was before the course was in training?
In today's dynamic regulatory landscape, managing compliance can often feel like hitting a moving target…. We’re seeking your expertise on what factors you believe are most important when dealing with regulatory changes. ➡️ If you had to create your own poll about managing ever-changing regulations and compliance, what options would you include?🎯 Here’s a starting point for your 'poll options' brainstorm:Regular Training and Workshops Software and Tools Integration for Compliance Management Dedicated Compliance Teams External Consultants and Industry Associations Automated Monitoring Systems Real-Time Regulatory Updates Peer Networking and Knowledge SharingFeel free to share some industry-specific examples that might be relevant for other industry professionals in our Community! Can we create a resourceful poll for everyone navigating the complex world of compliance?! 🛡️
Hello, thought I would start a discussion around PDF reports vs. Web reports.Which option do you prefer? Which option does your organization use? Do you also print out the PDF report? or just share the digital version?The reason I ask is, I’m trying to encourage our team members to utilise the web reports more so our company can start thinking about more environment friendly approach. This also allows our company to save printing $.Keen to hear how everyone’s using them!
all of our training is currently in templates so we can schedule it once (or twice) a year we’d love to separate training templates and inspection templates by moving the training templates to the training module, but we need to be able to delay the assignment i.e. you have to take this course in 3 months and automatically repeat the assignment i.e. you have to re-certify once per year. it would also be great to group course into a certificate so we can assign 10 course all at once